Apple Cider & More
Apple Cider - Apple Butter - Marinara Sauce - Chipotle Ketchup - Hot Pepper Jelly - Canned Peaches
At the height of the market season, we press 200 – 250 bushles of apples a week to make our delicious cider. The blend of apples going into the pressing is of utmost importance. To produce a really great batch, we try to combine both tart and sweet varieties.
“Opening drink: The apple cider from Twin Springs Fruit Farm, based in Orrtanna, Pa., may be the best I’ve ever had. Buy lots of it, because your guests will drink the stuff as if it were water in the desert. Twin Springs sells its cider at farmers markets around the area, from Dupont Circle to Arlington. You can serve the juice any number of ways: straight up; mulled with cinnamon, allspice, cloves, ginger and/or nutmeg and served warm; or stirred over ice with a good bourbon to make a holiday cocktail, perfect for surviving even the most tedious of family gatherings.”
– from The Washington City Paper posted on December 2, 2009
Cider is available in pints, quarts, ½ gallons, and gallons from late September until early spring. Pasteurized with no preservatives!
Apple Sauce
We make sauce once a year, in the Fall. 150 bushels of Corland Apples end up as sauce, with nothing added. Apple Sauce is available year round at all our market locations.
Apple Butter
We use Golden Delicious to produce our “No Sugar” Apple Spread. Apple Butter is also available year round at all our market locations
Our Cider, Apple Sauce and Apple Butter are all made at Kime’s Cider Mill in Bendersville, PA. They are a small, family owned operation that have been doing custom fruit processing for many years. Kime’s is state inspected and certified.
Marinara Sauce Our marinara sauce is made with our Red Sun field tomatoes (picked at peak ripeness), Candy onions and German Hardneck garlic and spices. Picking fully ripened vegetables and getting them into the jar quickly is the key to great flavor and nutrition.
Chipotle Ketchup
Our ketchup has become very popular and was greatly missed by many customers as we ran out last January. This summer we had twice as much made for us and hope it will be available almost the whole year.
Hot Pepper Jelly
This is a favorite of some of our customers, mildly hot and sweet the jelly may be used in a number of ways. Our favorite is to spread it on a cracker topped with cream cheese.
Canned Peaches
We harvest “peak of the season” peaches, usually Suncrest or Cresthaven, and have them canned in clear glass jars; being sold at markets until the supply runs out, usually in early Spring.